Chapter 8 More examples:
Here they are more examples of a bit more complex pipelines
8.1 Two processes
The pipelines are connected by channels and the order is defined in the workflow
mzMLFiles = Channel.fromPath( '/crex/proj/uppmax2024-2-11/metabolomics/mzMLData/*.mzML' )
process featureFinder {
file x
file "${x.baseName}.featureXML" // #1
"cp $x ${x.baseName}.featureXML"
// This process gets input from featureFinder
process someotherprocess {
debug true
file x // #2
"echo I got $x from featureFinder"
workflow {
featureFinder_out = featureFinder(mzMLFiles) // #1
someotherprocess(featureFinder_out) // #2
In this example, the process featureFinder
sends the output and received by an output channel (#1) which is then sent to someotherprocess
to do further processing.
Create a file called
Copy the above code to it. Save the file (Ctrl+o enter)
and exit (Ctrl+x)
Now run
8.2 Two processes including collect
As mentioned above we can instruct Nextflow to emit all the content of a channel in a single emittion so that the downstream process will receive all the content at once using the collect
operator. For example
mzMLFiles = Channel.fromPath( '/crex/proj/uppmax2024-2-11/metabolomics/mzMLData/*.mzML' )
process featureFinder {
file x
file "${x.baseName}.featureXML" // #1
"cp $x ${x.baseName}.featureXML"
// This process gets input from featureFinder
process someotherprocess {
debug true
file x
"echo I got $x from featureFinder"
workflow {
featureFinder_out = featureFinder(mzMLFiles).collect() // #1
someotherprocess(featureFinder_out) // #2
In this example, the process featureFinder
sends output to an output channel (featureFinder_out) (#1) which is then sent to someotherprocess
(#2) to do further processing. However, someotherprocess
now has all the data at once because.
Create a file called
Copy the above code to it. Save the file (Ctrl+o enter)
and exit (Ctrl+x)
Now run
What is the difference between this and the previous example?
8.3 Two processes, collect, accept parameters from the user
We can now try to even accept some parameters from the user.
mzMLFiles = Channel.fromPath(params.inputmzml) // #1
process featureFinder {
file x
file "${x.baseName}.featureXML"
"cp $x ${x.baseName}.featureXML"
// This process gets input from featureFinder
process someotherprocess {
debug true
file x
"echo I got $x from featureFinder"
workflow {
featureFinder_out = featureFinder(mzMLFiles).collect()
In this example, we create the mzMLFiles
channel using the input we are getting from the user (#1).
Create a file called
Copy the above code to it. Save the file (Ctrl+o enter)
and exit (Ctrl+x)
Now run:
Notice how we are sending parameters to the workflow!
8.4 Three processes
Similarly we can create as many as processes we would like to. For example three:
mzMLFiles = Channel.fromPath(params.inputmzml) // #1
process justcopy {
file x
file "${x.baseName}.featureXML"
"cp $x ${x.baseName}.featureXML"
// This process gets input from justcopy
process someotherprocess {
debug true
file x
file "QC.txt"
echo "${params.qc} percent!">> QC.txt
// This process gets input from someotherprocess
process lastone {
debug true
file x
(echo "Quality was:" ;cat $x)
workflow {
justcopy_out = justcopy(mzMLFiles)
someotherprocess_out = someotherprocess(justcopy_out.collect())
In this example, we create the mzMLFiles
channel using the input we are getting from the user (#1). We are also getting another parameter from the user. Can you find it?
Create a file called
Copy the above code to it. Save the file (Ctrl+o enter)
and exit (Ctrl+x)
Now run:
Now let’s clean up the cache produced by Nextflow using the clean command